Last night, I stumbled on a website about the Men's Rights Movement. While I haven't swallowed the red pill quite yet, I confess they have some interesting concepts.
When was the last time you jumped to a conclusion that caused you to treat someone unfairly? I frequently cross the road if I am walking up against a gang of kids who are being loud or brash. I know it's probably prejudiced, but i do it anyway, like all the time.
(Inspired by a woman laughing when I told her my sister is a waitress)
Do you have a job that you love and plan to progress in but that other people look down on and/or assume must just be temporary? If so what do you do when people are snotty about it?
For those of you who shop at "novelty"stores that sell sex toys and things of that nature, do you ever feel judged by either the customers or the employees
( Read more... )
How do you handle yourself around a person who talks a lot of smack about others? The type of person who is nice to your face but talks trash when you're not present. Because you observe them doing this to others you have a hunch that they do it to you. :(